Many of us, including myself, have been affected throughout life by events that have either built up our confidence, challenged our confidence, or even made us question our entire level of self-confidence completely.
As a business leader, published author, invisible disabilities advocate, stroke survivor, public speaker, but most of all… a proud mother of 3; I know how these times can be scary. These times may cause us to question our faith, self-confidence, or if the challenge has a greater purpose; regardless of which, these times force us to grow. I know the toughest moments in my life; including surviving my first stroke and the serious medical challenges I continue to experience to date, I still strongly believe that life happens for us and NOT to us.
For over two decades, I was blessed to have overseen and owned multiple, successful businesses. Leading, creating, and being part of some very phenomenal teams during some very difficult economic times in our history; I was always intrigued with the impact that our unconscious mind had on us. I viewed the challenges it posed for so many as a way for me to share the gifts God blessed me with. I started to reflect within myself in order to lead others from within. Whether it was training others to overcome some of their largest fears or using the passion I have for writing to share an inspirational daily quote with them; if I was able to inspire even just one person a day, I felt fulfilled.
My beliefs about the power of the unconscious mind and being aware of just how to utilize it was put to the ultimate, personal, test when I woke up in my hospital bed; having no peripheral vision; only being able to see my dad and a strange doctor leaning over me. No ability to move my right side, my left side feeling extremely weak, and no ability to speak, I only felt tears streaming down my face. I will never forget the mysterious doctor leaning over me, trying to comfort me by saying, “It’s going to be okay, Jacque, we think you have had a stroke.” That was December 28, 2014, a day that changed my life forever.
When I was able to go home, despite still not feeling well, I could have wallowed in my own pity; asking the common questions, “Why me? Now what am I going to do? God, why did you do this to me? I was healthy, young, worked out 5 days a week – why, why, why?” Of course these questions did cross my mind for a brief moment but I can honestly say only for a brief moment. I am not a hypocrite and was not a hypocrite in the hospital. Because of my beliefs, what I was able to teach so many about the power of the unconscious mind; I used my internal reflection, led myself from within, used the power of my own unconscious mind and was able to make remarkable and surprising leaps in my physical improvement the days following my stroke. The medical staff was amazed and my nurses told me they didn’t even recognize me within the first 24 hours after from when they had first checked me in. Therefore, I was not going to be a hypocrite at home either.
It was the decade leading up to my stroke that I had discovered, developed, and worked with others on how to utilize their own gifts naturally within to empower more self-confidence, resulting in them taking more actions, and achieving their desired outcomes in both their personal and professional lives. Up until the downturn of my health, I taught these tangible skills through my seminar, “SYNERGY – The Power of Color, Language, & Physiology.”

This left me asking myself: “God, why did you do this for me? What is it, that you want me to do?” The first thing that came to mind – to combine the hundreds of inspirational quotes I had wrote for my teams and colleagues over the years, into one resource, and publish it; so the world may benefit from the inspiration as well. That is just what I did – in my first book titled with my very first quote that I live each day of my life by: “Live. Breathe. Do.”
Being a leader was always a full-time mission for myself, not just at work, but at home, as a lifestyle. My passion has always been to grow any opportunity I have had, to share that growth and knowledge with others, to break economic or social stigmas and cycles, and to empower anyone that wants the ability to build up their own self-confidence so that they too, can experience the success of life to the fullest!
Change doesn’t have to be drastic, it can be one small step, thing, or person at a time. The results always will compound, just like interest, into a retirement of residual returns. The residual return of gratitude, appreciation, inspiration, and fulfillment. I may battle every day small battles to complete my second book. The book I had started based on the patent I was working on the very morning of my stroke. Just hours before driving myself to the hospital because I knew something was wrong, I was in a meeting with my IP attorney, discussing the patent and the book.
“Live. Breathe. Do.” may have been published first and was well overdue but “Synergy: Unlocking Your Unconscious Mind” has not been forgotten and in between my daily challenges WILL be published!
“You are either growing or dying, there is no such thing as stagnant.” ~Jacque Georgia
Instagram: @JacqueGeorgia FaceBook: @RealJacqueGeorgia Twitter @JacqueGeorgia
IMDb Pro: Jacque Georgia