Human Resources?

re·source: stock or supply of money, materials, staff and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively I believe throughout time, the last portion of this definition has been lost. We forget that we have an abundance of “resources” at our fingertips all the time yet…Continue reading Human Resources?

How Was Your Day?

Did you ever notice that there seems to be days that start out on a bad note and it seems to just continue that way…right down to getting stopped by every red light and heavy traffic when you are already on a time crunch?? Or vice versa everything seems to be going your way and…Continue reading How Was Your Day?

Leadership Isn’t Just 8-5

I think leadership is often misunderstood. When I hear people say that they are going to ‘lead by example’ or that they are ‘leading by example,’ my first instinct is to look around them. Are they truly leading by example? What is their lifestyle like? Who are they leading? Are they making a positive difference…Continue reading Leadership Isn’t Just 8-5

Stress: The Silent Killer

How is stress impacting you, your family, your career, your business, or your life? Did you know that 40% of adults lay awake at night because of stress? 1 in 3 teenagers suffer from chronic stress. Nearly 15 million American adults are affected yearly by depression? And, as taxpayers, businesses, and a society as a…Continue reading Stress: The Silent Killer

Lee Remmel – A True Champion

I was going to share a quote I had published a little over two years ago which was simply: “Be known for who you are, the influence you have, and the differences you make. Leave a Legacy.” – Jacque Georgia After attending my Great Uncle, Lee Remmel’s, funeral yesterday; I believe that to be even…Continue reading Lee Remmel – A True Champion

Keep it Simple

Did you ever notice we over complicate things…A LOT??! Why is that? I see this so often but was specifically reminded of it yesterday since it was the infamous judgment day of taxes. If you are lucky enough to have a trusted tax adviser and have not thanked him up and down and twice over…Continue reading Keep it Simple

No Entitlements

I read a story the other night from NBC News about a 17 year old Long Island high school senior that had applied to 13 colleges, including all 8 Ivy League schools and was accepted to ALL of them! But it wasn’t that he had been accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools that really…Continue reading No Entitlements

Ask Better Questions!

Our brains are designed to be natural puzzle solvers. It is generalized that we utilize our left side of our brain to control the right side of our bodies and is important for logic and rational thinking, while the right side of our brain is primarily used to control the left side of our bodies…Continue reading Ask Better Questions!

Money, Money, Money!

Don’t let your tax refund be your next profit…create more! All too often people count down the days or rush in to get their taxes done so they can seize their tax refund that much quicker. In fact, just yesterday U.S. News reported about how many families seek cash advances through marketing ploys by companies…Continue reading Money, Money, Money!

Front Line of Defense

Families, businesses, corporations, and communities, ALL have a front line of defense. So, is your front line of defense a unified front? Do they share the same mission and passion? How do they deliver new directions and communication when they don’t agree on the change? I always say ‘Key’ positions are only key if the…Continue reading Front Line of Defense

Where has the American Dream gone?

When did the American dream become so materialistic? Have we evolved or regressed through time? The American founding fathers sought the American Dream to be freedom. Freedom from religious persecution, the freedom to dream, the freedom to be free, the freedom to be a better human being. This was not indicative of what material things…Continue reading Where has the American Dream gone?

Was St. Patrick Irish?

So, was St. Patrick even Irish? Everyone knows I love to learn new things. So when my kids asked me WHY we celebrate St Patricks Day, other than knowing he was a Saint I wasn’t positive if he was even Irish… Turns out he was NOT born in Ireland but at the age of 16…Continue reading Was St. Patrick Irish?

Coaches vs. Consultants

When you compare the two of these words, by definition, they really are not all that different. A coach is a person who teaches or trains an athlete, performer, members of a sports team, or a person how to play a game or lessons in a particular subject. A consultant is a person who gives…Continue reading Coaches vs. Consultants

People vs. Money

So although the line, ‘money makes the world go round’ was first used during a song in a musical as a response from a man to a woman regarding her desire for love vs. his desire; both sides of this statement have been argued many times since the 1960’s. Although the concept of money in…Continue reading People vs. Money

Successful Teams are Opposites

We often hear that opposites attract and then at the same time, if in a relationship with a complete opposite than ourself, we may end up completely frustrated by what initially attracted us. So, do opposites attract or not? The fact is that there is always going to be some attraction to those opposite our…Continue reading Successful Teams are Opposites

Is the Art of Communication Lost?

We are very blessed to live in a world of conveniences don’t get me wrong. With more friends and families living demographically further apart, social media is a great way to stay connected by sharing photos and messages. For businesses, the ability to instant message one another helps to stay connected on large projects and…Continue reading Is the Art of Communication Lost?

Are They Talking About You?

When we are growing up, we are taught not to talk about others because it is rude. How does this start? As with most rules; I believe clarification is needed. To presume it is rude is to presume that someone is saying something negative…and even if it is negative; is negative always bad? The number…Continue reading Are They Talking About You?

And the Oscar goes to…

These are some of the most famous and highly anticipated words in the film and motion picture industry since the formation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1927. Throughout its 87 year history; this organization has set a level of standards, rules, and accreditation to the very best within the branches…Continue reading And the Oscar goes to…

Time is a Priceless Commodity!

You don’t open a business without a business plan, so why would you go to an appointment without an expected outcome? You shouldn’t. It is a waste of your time and the time of those you are seeing. They don’t say “Time is Money” for nothing. Time is the one thing you can’t get back….EVER!…Continue reading Time is a Priceless Commodity!