Live. Breathe. Do.

Live. Breathe. Do.

I have always believed that the best motivational quotes are those that are transparent and universal enough for you to instantly be able to relate to, be inspired by, and empower you to take action. As a mother of three, a community activist, and business leader for over 20 years I have found the most success both personally and professionally is when I have been in the ‘right frame of mind.’ My colleagues, friends, and family have all inquired at one point or another, how exactly I stay so positive all the time. Simply put, it is a choice and one that clearly interests you as well. So, as you probably know, I’m not saying that I never have a bad day because in fact like most people, that is when I have turned to either writing or reading inspirational quotes myself. Being a Zig Ziglar fan for many years, I guard my mind against negativity as well as unnecessary drama. Quite frankly, I don’t have time for it. I also quit watching the majority of news programs years ago and very rarely do I find that I have ‘missed out’ on any actual news.

A few years ago, I found myself needing new inspiration. Each day, I would wake up, make the choice to have a positive, impactful, and productive day and then write a quote. I would share these with my team to inspire them as well. At the end of 2014 I suffered a mini stroke and have battled continued health issues since but I believe that life happens for you, not to you. So I believe this was God’s way of knocking me on my hiney to sit down and compile these quotes to share with you. He knew that the active, 180 mile per hour lifestyle I had would not be conducive to taking a time out. So I am blessed and grateful to have the opportunity to share these with you. Universal, transparent, thoughts, questions, reminders and quotes. Some thought provoking, some sarcastic, and some inspiring. It was difficult to break down into categories as they were meant to be used for a universal purpose but I didn’t want to put anyone on overload. I believe to stay true to yourself and thus I personally Live, Breathe, and Do in all aspects of my life. From your attitude and gratitude to inspiration and leadership to perseverance and relationships; if I can inspire just one person each day, I am fulfilled.

Now, envision the life you desire, take a deep breathe in, and feel confident that you have all that you need within yourself to Live, Breathe, and Do anything you set your mind to as well.

“A good quote is like a good lesson. It can teach so much, so differently, and to so many.” – Jacque Georgia