Another Week

If you are continuing to read from my social media post; welcome back. But just in case you are not let’s recap! And remember, you can follow me on any of my social media platforms at the bottom of each website page so that you can receive smaller updates not just longer stories 🙂 On…Continue reading Another Week

Is It All In Your Head?

There are many reasons why people use the metaphor, “it’s all in your head.” One of the most common uses are when someone is feeling insecure in a relationship and potentially suspecting their partner being unfaithful. Their partner or even friends and family may tell them, ‘it’s all in your head.’ Another common use is…Continue reading Is It All In Your Head?

What Will You Call It?

Change? Grow? Inspire? Motivate? Turn the Page? What will you call it?   Those that know me, know my passion about the ‘language’ we use in our everyday life. Especially those I used to work with, consult with, and my family! 🙂   People didn’t like the word, ‘change,‘ so I would say we ‘Grow‘…Continue reading What Will You Call It?

Fresh Out Of The Shower

My daughter, Brittany Georgia, inspires me daily to be a better person, better role model, and most of all a better mother. I have always taught my children that ‘True Beauty’ comes from inside a person and that you can see their soul: beautiful or not, through their eyes and their smile. I have been told many…Continue reading Fresh Out Of The Shower

Never Give Up

  LIFE = 1  ME = 1 It’s not about winning or losing in life, it’s about NEVER giving up and being able to LIVE LIFE! If you can put 2 feet on the ground and breathe, consider yourself Blessed. Don’t take the little things for granted. They turn out to be the big things…Continue reading Never Give Up

Life Is A Stage

Let’s face it. Life is one big stage and everyone is playing a role. Some choose to play star roles, some supporting roles, and some prefer behind the scenes. No role is more important than another; despite some that choose to judge others even though they are not the accredited movie critic themselves. They think…Continue reading Life Is A Stage

Your View… YOUR Perspective

There is bad in everything but I wanted to share some of the upsides, I get to experience, from having thousands of the RIGHT friends and connections from around the world: #1. NO MATTER what time it is at home, it’s daytime somewhere so there is ALWAYS something going on. #2. I don’t watch the…Continue reading Your View… YOUR Perspective

Project Confidence

Being a business leader and owner for over 20 years, I have often been questioned about what others would view as my ‘competitors.’ And for over 20 years I have always had the same philosophy; regardless of the industry, my response was simple: “There is enough business to go around for the good ones, I…Continue reading Project Confidence

You’re Selfish, Not Afraid

I had an interesting conversation with my dad on a recent car drive and the concept of the overly dreaded and guarded word, “CHANGE.” You see we were talking about how passionate and excited I get when I talk about my upcoming book, “SYNERGY: The Power of Color, Language, & Physiology” and I explained to…Continue reading You’re Selfish, Not Afraid

Things Just Aren’t The Same

Ever find yourself saying this or maybe someone has said it to you? “You’re not the same person anymore, you’ve changed.” “Wow, how you’ve changed!” “You’re so grown up!” “You’ve really grown!” “Things sure aren’t the same anymore!” “Thank God they changed!” Or maybe you’ve heard the social media sayings that help with reflections and…Continue reading Things Just Aren’t The Same

Stress: The Silent Killer

How is stress impacting you, your family, your career, your business, or your life? Did you know that 40% of adults lay awake at night because of stress? 1 in 3 teenagers suffer from chronic stress. Nearly 15 million American adults are affected yearly by depression? And, as taxpayers, businesses, and a society as a…Continue reading Stress: The Silent Killer

Keep it Simple

Did you ever notice we over complicate things…A LOT??! Why is that? I see this so often but was specifically reminded of it yesterday since it was the infamous judgment day of taxes. If you are lucky enough to have a trusted tax adviser and have not thanked him up and down and twice over…Continue reading Keep it Simple

Mental Spring Cleaning

Want to view house cleaning in a whole new light? I don’t know about anyone else but when you work all week there are times in which you just aren’t in the ‘mood’ to then do the thorough house cleaning. I personally find that once I get started I realize how great I feel when…Continue reading Mental Spring Cleaning

Was St. Patrick Irish?

So, was St. Patrick even Irish? Everyone knows I love to learn new things. So when my kids asked me WHY we celebrate St Patricks Day, other than knowing he was a Saint I wasn’t positive if he was even Irish… Turns out he was NOT born in Ireland but at the age of 16…Continue reading Was St. Patrick Irish?

Are They Talking About You?

When we are growing up, we are taught not to talk about others because it is rude. How does this start? As with most rules; I believe clarification is needed. To presume it is rude is to presume that someone is saying something negative…and even if it is negative; is negative always bad? The number…Continue reading Are They Talking About You?

Adult Bullies?

A good friend of mine reached out to me today asking for help. As always, I was honored to be trusted to help her but was also not surprised about what she was needing help with. From the moment we enter this world we inherently have survival instincts. To seek food, water, shelter, and even…Continue reading Adult Bullies?

Time is a Priceless Commodity!

You don’t open a business without a business plan, so why would you go to an appointment without an expected outcome? You shouldn’t. It is a waste of your time and the time of those you are seeing. They don’t say “Time is Money” for nothing. Time is the one thing you can’t get back….EVER!…Continue reading Time is a Priceless Commodity!