People vs. Money

So although the line, ‘money makes the world go round’ was first used during a song in a musical as a response from a man to a woman regarding her desire for love vs. his desire; both sides of this statement have been argued many times since the 1960’s.

Although the concept of money in forms of gems, coins, or paper has been around for thousands of years; prior to this was the payment form of bartering. Originally people traded for what they wanted. If someone had a spear and the other some jewelry; they simply traded. And bartering still takes place today. People and businesses often times barter for what they need. So, although ‘money’ has made things easier to track, be consistent, and place value on things, it does not make the world go round. If it wasn’t for people and their personal talents, all would cease. Even the most precious and valuable natural resources that many profit greatly from would not profit if there was not someone to mine those resources from our planet.

It is POEPLE, my friends, that make the world go round. This is not a debate of if the chicken came before the egg since we know People came before money. So, invest in yourself, in your teams, in your communities! Without each other there is no need for money or even bartering. WE make the world go round and WE have the power within ourselves to make it a better one for us.

I heard someone the other day share a great reminder, “Use things and Love People…do not use People and love things.”

Appreciation and Gratitude will always come out on top.

Never Leap Alone